Why Evolution Should NOT Be Taught to Younger Kids
The Internet has turned out to be a disposable dump of everyone’s thoughts. It has become the prolific distributor of the most fundamental lies that mankind could have ever dreamed of, the evolution of humans.It has made it easier to non (God) believers to dump all of their unproven ideas while being applauded and becoming undeservedly popular for their views.
Today in the 21st century, it is no longer hyped to believe in a law giving God. It is totally non-acceptable and uncouth to publish godly literature and to believe in a loving God. Instead, it is most widely popular, and accepted the idea that there is no God and that you came from a primate, a beast that although hardly related to humans genetically, it is nevertheless accepted as your common ancestor. (McFarland, 2017). Yet, everyone is afraid to challenge such preposterousness. Even, the most "educated" teachers. Why ?
Because they are afraid of being fired and or are not updated on the latest scientific findings regarding "evolution" of man. We have “fake news” distribution en masse. Every one thinks they have the “truth” and publish it with abandonment. Everyone’s World View is considered valuable, while in reality there is nothing but one reality and truth.
Because they are afraid of being fired and or are not updated on the latest scientific findings regarding "evolution" of man. We have “fake news” distribution en masse. Every one thinks they have the “truth” and publish it with abandonment. Everyone’s World View is considered valuable, while in reality there is nothing but one reality and truth.
An article in Newsweek magazine with the title of “Why Evolution Should Be Taught to Younger Kids ?” was published by a writer who, perhaps does not know true science and with, obvious, no respect for God as a Creator. (Carmichael 2009). It has been totally proven, that man did not arrive from any primates to this earth. All of the fossil records show that there was a sudden eruption of life for which godless evolutionists do not have any idea how it came about. (Bergman 2017)
The author of the Newsweek article, naively states: "What's that?" It's a bird. "And where did it come from?", she concludes her own question by saying": “The correct, and interesting, answer is "from a dinosaur that was well-adapted to changing conditions millions of years ago." What does this editor not know ?
How sad, that Newsweek's author does not know the true science behind forensics and DNA biological structure of the human cells. It is now a known fact that birds never came from dinosaurs. Pseudo-scientists continue to claim that birds descended from dinosaurs. However, the truth is that there is no single evidence that such is the case. Not in the fossil record, not in the molecular structure of the DNA. Whatever “evidence” they pose on the literature it is either fraud or theoretical presuppositions that are nothing more than that, presuppositions and false ideas.
Evolutionist Dr. Alan Feducia, contradicted her statement by saying: "one of the more famous alleged transitional fossils claimed by evolutionists is Archaeopteryx", and bluntly stated:
'Paleontologists have tried to turn Archaeopteryx into an earth-bound, feathered dinosaur. But it’s not. It is a bird, a perching bird. And no amount of ‘paleobabble’ is going to change that". (Emphasis added) (Source: Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, P.H.D., F.M., Archaeopteryx (unlike Archaeoraptor) is NOT a hoax — it is a true bird, not a “missing link”). So, as you can see Newsweek's author writes inaccurate articles that border on lies. Newsweek does not have their facts correctly spelled out. Why do we allow such inaccuracies to be published in the Internet ? Bergman, (2017) and other reputable scientists have stated that all of the fossils that supposedly “prove” human evolution could “comfortably fit on a kitchen table”. (Bergman 2017, p.74). Apes as we know today, “modern apes, seem to have sprung out of nowhere”. “They have no yesterday, no fossil record. And the true origin of modern humans- of upright, naked, toolmaking, big brained- is, if we are to be honest with ourselves, an equally mysterious matter.” (Watson, 1982, p.44). Thus, it is a fact that the better the fossil record in terms of preserving morphology for a class of life, including birds and dinosaurs relationship, the weaker the case becomes for Darwinists. (Bergman 2017, p.53). Is Newsweek's article not aware of these facts before they publish the inaccuracies published in that Newsweek article ? And, are they not aware that Creation is now becoming the default acceptance, albeit reluctantly, by the majority of scientists, even if they refuse to openly say so in public ? Yes, - un secreto en voz alta- the white elephant in the room that nobody wants or dares to accept to see. For example: After reading the books “Origins of Life” and “Who Was Adam?”, written by Dr. Hugh Ross (an astrophysicist) and Dr. Fazale Rana (a biochemist).. Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley, winner of the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry explained: "Evolution has just been dealt its death blow. After reading “Origins of Life”, with my background in chemistry and physics, it is clear evolution could not have occurred. The new book, “Who Was Adam?”, is the silver bullet that puts the evolutionary model to death". https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/a-world-famous-chemist-tells-the-truth-theres-no-scientist-alive-today-who-understands-macroevolution/ Was Newsweek aware of this before they wrote the above article ? James M. Tour, a brilliant synthetic organic chemistry professor at Rice University, states "So what should be taught in schools regarding evolution, in my opinion?"....."A better approach would include more teaching about common descent using basic genetics arguments. But there should also be coverage of legitimate scientific puzzles such as macroevolution’s weak underpinning for the origin of body plans, the unexplainable functional differences between the modern human brain and that of other hominids, the ENCODE and orphan gene findings and disagreements, the huge difficulties regarding the theories on the origin of first life, and the mystery of information’s origin in the sequence of the nucleic acids".https://www.jmtour.com/personal-topics/evolution-creation/ |
The Newsweek's article - that "evolution should be taught in schools- is totally blind to the fact that the lawlessness we see today on the part of man has its foundation precisely on the irrational and unscientific idea that humans evolved from primates and even further than that, from a thermal vent where a single cell all of the sudden became a living human through the “miracle of millions if not billions of years”. What a preposterous proposal and insult to the intelligence of brilliant young students who by the age of two already have begun to realize that everything has a beginning and everything is made by someone.
Teaching human "evolution" in school is obviously the work atheists. The idea that such imprecise argument be taught in our schools to our young impressionable minds is preposterous. It is no wonder that later on, some of the same children who learn this preposterous ideas are the ones who resolve to abortions, drugs and other malfeasance that troubles mankind, specially since this ill conceived idea began its irascible ascent into the 19th, 20th and 21st century.
Wouldn’t it be logical that if you think you come come an animal, that you would act like an animal ? With little more than instincts to drive your behavior ? Why do we see people today treating their children in ways that not even primates and other animals treat their young ? Could the answer be in the horrific theory of evolution that is being inculcated inhumanely to our children and young adults ? All of this with the approval of the State and governments that are puzzled and spend trillions of dollars to fight crime, putting people in jail, and putting them on death row, when the simple solution would have been to simple teach people the truth that we were fully formed by a God with godly qualities totally contrary to those of animals that do not possess them. http://ag.ca.gov/cjsc/publications/misc/cinc/5cost.pdf
Someone may squawk and say that if God has such wonderful qualities, then why does He permit so much death and sorrow ? Shallow minds will access such “logic” not realizing that there is a reason why such badness exists in this world. The reason to blame is mankind itself, where by not obeying the laws and the rules that God has suggested in his living manual, the Bible, it takes them away from God and puts in them animal like feelings that are contrary to God. Rom 1:24.
If we want to know how any machine functions all we have to do is read the manual. Would you fly a sophisticated airplane with thousands of complex parts without first reading the manual on how to fly it? The human body is ever and even more complicated that the most complex invention of man. Should not the manual that instructs how to handle the human body be read and followed to a T in order to succeed at living inside that body ?
All we have to read is the latest news of the day. The fact is that mankind is going from bad to worse in terms of morality, every single day. The political news of any nation today show that there are two kinds of voters, those for the good and the other half that vote for the bad, regardless of who you think is good or bad. The world is completely divided as to knowledge of who is good and who is bad. That is because there is no moral compass. Those who think is is OK to have an abortion feel that it is their “evolutionary” right to do so. While those who are against such murderous action are those that may read their Bibles and have a totally different but godly approach to life. https://www.infowars.com/crime-is-getting-worse-violent-crime-in-america-increased-by-15-percent-last-year/
Those who make up the laws that abortion is legal and contradict God's view of marriage are the very same ones who chide and hate God for allowing bad things to happen to mankind. Nevertheless, these people are the same ones who blatantly disregard God’s laws as stated in his Book, the Bible. http://www.wnd.com/2016/09/abortionists-now-demand-christians-promote-procedure/
The Newsweek article quoted above written by By Mary Carmichael appears to be written so as not to allow God to be in control of mankind. Evolutionists minded writers probably feel that their way of teaching is better than God’s ways.
Nevertheless, some evolutionists will be the first to point to God as being cruel and inhumane, while at the same time they are the same who totally approve the idea of taking an innocent human baby’s life away from the womb of its mother. What a hypocrisy and dichotomy. http://www.wnd.com/2016/09/abortionists-now-demand-christians-promote-procedure/
Nevertheless, some evolutionists will be the first to point to God as being cruel and inhumane, while at the same time they are the same who totally approve the idea of taking an innocent human baby’s life away from the womb of its mother. What a hypocrisy and dichotomy. http://www.wnd.com/2016/09/abortionists-now-demand-christians-promote-procedure/
That is precisely why the Bible said, that some, “exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images of mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them up in the desires of their hearts to impurity for the dishonoring of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator”. Romans 1:24.
Indeed, Newsweek's author believes that mortal man’s origin is from birds, animals and reptiles. However, that is totally opposite what true science keeps finding. Evolutionists continue to exchange the truth about God for wishful thinking, and now propose that our precious children, worship and serve the creepy, lowly things that were created rather than the Creator Himself. Rom 1:24.
The world view of atheists is prolific because the world does not have a true view or knowledge of reality and true science. Instead of relying of the only source of truth, the Bible as a book of facts, we have all types of inventors of tales and false ideas, thinking that what they have to say is the most important and valuable. While putting our children in grave danger with absolutely no consequences at all.
Why do we allow articles like these to appear ? As Carmichael put it her own words, "Perhaps a bigger issue is that evolution is more than just complicated. It's brutal". Humans and our children are not brutes, nor should they be exposed to "brutal" literature. Evolutionists do not want to own up to the fact that "evolution" is totally against our nature, yes, it is brutal, it is unnatural to God made man.

“Professor James M. Tour is one of the ten most quoted chemists in the world. He holds three professorships at Rice University, authored hundreds of scientific publications and his name is on 36 patents. He and 700 other scientists, affiliated with the Intelligent Design movement, took a “courageous step” in 2001 and began writing of their skepticism of “random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life.” In the worldview of the universe of godless evolution, this was rank heresy. Tour has made it a practice to quietly poll top scientists in private: Nobel Prize winners and members of the National Academy.
James Tour agrees that microevolution is common, sometimes helped along by plant and animal breeding to enhance the desired characteristics. But, as he questioned colleagues in his rarified academic atmosphere, he concluded that there is no scientist alive today who understands macroevolution.
Professor Tour went so far as to offer on his website to buy lunch for anyone who claimed to understand macroevolution so they could explain it to him. So far he has no takers.When he polled many of his peers in Physics and Chemistry departments, he had to do it in private because they dared not publically admit any skepticism on the subject. So powerful are the politics of the universities that job security depends on staunchly carrying the Evolution banner. (Hovind 2005)
Picture courtesy "Creation Science" and of chttp://www.wiseoldgoat.com/papers-creation/hovind-seminar_part2b_2007.html. Accessed January 17th, 2018.
Children of the home school project where I teach science and STEM based subjects, are thrilled with the logical idea that everything has its origin. To say, as Carmichael wrongly stated, that they become bored, is just another inaccuracy of those that do not want our children to be Godly oriented humans.
Evolutionists will go to any length to justify their "invented ideas" and suppositions. Nothing has proven that humans came from discovered fossil records. Instead, the idea when presented to children, regardless of age and or religious belief, that we all have an origin, and that origin is God, is so well received that indeed they behave in a godly manner as opposed to the animal like manner that godless evolutionists propose.Those children excel in any STEM or educational subject. (Ray, 2016)
Ray, Ph.D, 2018, further stated:
Children of the home school project where I teach science and STEM based subjects, are thrilled with the logical idea that everything has its origin. To say, as Carmichael wrongly stated, that they become bored, is just another inaccuracy of those that do not want our children to be Godly oriented humans.
Evolutionists will go to any length to justify their "invented ideas" and suppositions. Nothing has proven that humans came from discovered fossil records. Instead, the idea when presented to children, regardless of age and or religious belief, that we all have an origin, and that origin is God, is so well received that indeed they behave in a godly manner as opposed to the animal like manner that godless evolutionists propose.Those children excel in any STEM or educational subject. (Ray, 2016)
Ray, Ph.D, 2018, further stated:
- "Homeschool students score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parents’ level of formal education or their family’s household income."and "Home-educated students typically score above average on the SAT and ACT tests that colleges consider for admissions". "
- Homeschool students are regularly engaged in social and educational activities outside their homes and with people other than their nuclear-family members. They are commonly involved in activities such as field trips, scouting, 4-H, political drives, church ministry, sports teams, and community volunteer work.
- Adults who were home educated are more politically tolerant than the public schooled in the limited research done so far". (Ray, 2016), Romans 1:24.
Bergman, Jerry, Ph. D. 2017. Fossil Forensics. Separating Fact from Fantasy in Paleontology. 1st ed. 1. BP Books.
Dr. Alex McFarland. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/04/30/ten-reasons-millennials-are-backing-away-from-god-and-christianity.html
Carmichael, Mary. 2009. “Why Evolution Should Be Taught to Younger Kids.” 2009. http://www.newsweek.com/why-evolution-should-be-taught-younger-kids-76885
Hovind, Kent, Dr. 2005. “Lies in the Textbooks.” 2005. http://wiseoldgoat.com/papers-creation/hovind-seminar_part4a_2007.html#resultsevolteach.
Brian D. Ray, Ph.D., 2018. Research facts on homeschooling.Homeschool Fast Facts. https://www.nheri.org/research-facts-on-homeschooling/
Watson, Lyall. 1982. The Water People. 9–(5)"44. Science Digest.
Careful study finds home school advantage.
The World Crisis in Education. https://creationhomeschooler.blogspot.com/p/the-world-crisis-in-education.html. Accessed January 17th, 2018.
Why Evolution Should Be Taught to Younger Kidshttp://www.newsweek.com/why-evolution-should-be-taught-younger-kids-76885. Accessed January 18th, 2018.
The Internet is a Garbage Dump. https://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2366104,00.asp. Accessed January 17th, 2018. By John C. Dvorak July 7, 2010 12:01AM EST
Hovind (2005). Hovind, Kent, Dr. 2005. “Lies in the Textbooks.” 2005. http://wiseoldgoat.com/papers-creation/hovind-seminar_part4a_2007.html#resultsevolteach. Accessed January 17th, 2018.
* Paul Lemoine, director of the National Museum of Natural History | said, |
“It results from this explanation that the theory of evolution is not exact ... Evolution is a kind of dogma which its own priests no longer believe, but which they uphold for the people. It is necessary to have the courage to state this if only so that men of a future generation may orient their research into a different direction.”
Paul Lemoine, director of the National Museum of Natural History | ||
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* Confessions of The Evolutionists
Published on Dec 6, 2016
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) Ever since it was first put forward, certain materialist circles have attempted to portray the theory of evolution as scientific fact. In fact, however, the theory, which claims that life emerged as the result of chance processes, has been utterly disproved by all branches of science. Over the 150 or so years from the time of Charles Darwin, the founder of the theory, to the present day, scientific fields as palaeontology, biochemistry, genetics and anatomy have demolished the theory’s assumptions one by one. The more the details of nature have been revealed, the more extraordinary characteristics have been discovered that can never be explained in terms of chance. For all these reasons, in the words of the famous molecular biologist Professor Michael Behe, evolution theory is “A theory in crisis.” This crisis that the theory is in leads scientists who support the theory to make a number of confessions from time to time
* Muslim creationist Adnan Oktar challenges scientists to prove evolution
As a poll reveals that more than a quarter of science teachers believe creationism should be taught alongside evolution, Oktar is offering an implausibly large reward to anyone who can point to a single fossil that proves evolution. https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2008/dec/22/atlas-creationism-adnan-oktar-harun-yahya. Accessed January 17th, 2018.
Copyright: Fred Echeverria
Copyright: Fred Echeverria